


The creator of this community may be a little biased
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    ~8yo me trying to sleep
    Chara (Undertale) is there because their genocide route face & slash scared me
    Grim Reaper (specifically the Sims 2 version) is there because my child-aged Sim suddenly died for no reason (all needs filled and all) while watching clouds (pretty sure she was a self-insert too). Made me question my mortality, I haven't played Sims 2 since lol
    4 months ago
  • 46
    (OC) My OC, Scarlett. Some stuff about her in comments.
    She's young woman with magical heritage, trying to gain magic.
    She's been against the Mages' rule ever since her childhood friend, Frace, had their voice taken away by them (because of its magical properties). This eventually grew into a hatred of how the Mages treat the non-magical population as a whole.
    She's a good strategist and tends to use as few words as possible to get her point across. She cares deeply about the cause but has a desire for power which even she doesn't know about...
    5 months ago