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  • 6
    Thoughts on Audible?
    Personally I've been using it before bed so I can listen to books without having to look at a screen or strain my eyes. I've been loving it for that aspect
    I like to use for informational books only and use while in car or on cardio machines.
    My ADHD can't handle Audio Books but to each their own!
  • 4
    Thoughts on Bionic Reading? Has anyone tried reading a book this way?
    There's a name for that? That's how I read. Not on purpose but I read really fast and I guess I just scan for content. Who knew!
    To qoute from the article:
    The idea is your eyes focus on the bolded part of the word and your brain completes the rest. Your brain can read faster than your eyes, so by essentially reducing the number of letters your eye needs to look at, you can read faster while still retaining the full context.
  • 7
    What are your favorite books?
    I remember reading "The Hobbit" in highschool and that book holds a special place for me.
    It's an oldie but Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon.
    I'm basic, but it's gonna be Harry Potter for me.
  • 6
    The ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Mass. Are you reading it? Is it on your TBR? Have you read it? Tell me what you think!
    Never heard of it. Been looking for something new to read. Will check it out