

All James Webb Telescope Discoveries - Timeline of James Webb Telescope Discoveries

James Webb Telescope Discoveries in June 2023
  • 06-12-2023 - Webb Telescope Reveals Galaxies' Impact on Early Universe Transformation. Full article here
  • 06-06-2023 - Webb Telescope Detects Universe’s Most Distant Organic Molecules. Full article here
  • 06-05-2023 - Webb Telescope's JADES Program Unearths Ancient Galaxies' Starry Spectacle. Full article here
  • 06-02-2023 - James Webb Telescope Reveals the Hidden Beauty of NGC 5068's Star Formation. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in May 2023
  • 05-31-2023 - James Webb Telescope Detects Water Vapor on Ultra-Hot Exoplanet WASP-18 b. Full article here
  • 05-30-2023 - James Webb Telescope Maps Surprisingly Large Plume Jetting From Saturn’s Moon Enceladus. Full article here
  • 05-24-2023 - X-ray and Infrared Symphony of Chandra and Webb Unveiling the Secrets of Galaxies and Nebulae. Full article here
  • 05-15-2023 - Webb Telescope finds water around Comet 238P/Read in Main Asteroid Belt. Full article here
  • 05-10-2023 - James Webb Space Telescope Reveals Mysterious "Mini-Neptune" Planet with Steamy Atmosphere. Full article here
  • 05-08-2023 - Webb's Search for Fomalhaut's Asteroid Belt Unveils Stunning Discoveries. Full article here
  • 05-01-2023 - Webb Telescope discovers hints of water vapor in atmosphere of exoplanet GJ 486 b. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in April 2023
  • 04-24-2023 - James Webb Space Telescope Uncovers Epic Prequel to Enormous Galaxy Cluster. Full article here
  • 04-17-2023 - James Webb Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of Arp 220. Full article here
  • 04-07-2023 - Webb Telescope reveals Mesmerizing Image of Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant. Full article here
  • 04-06-2023 - James Webb Telescope Reveals Unprecedented Image of Uranus and its Features. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in March 2023
  • 03-28-2023 - James Webb Telescope Reveals Gravitational Lens Magnified Cosmic Seahorse. Full article here
  • 03-27-2023 - James Webb Telescope measures temperature of rocky exoplanet TRAPPIST-1b. Full article here
  • 03-22-2023 - Swirling, Gritty Clouds on exoplanet VHS 1256 b Spotted by Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 03-14-2023 - James Webb Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of WR 124 star. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in February 2023
  • 02-28-2023 - Webb observes galaxy cluster RX J2129 triply lens supernova hosting galaxy. Full article here
  • 02-22-2023 - Stunning New Image of Globular Cluster M92 Released by Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 02-16-2023 - Webb Telescope reveals images of NGC 1365, NGC 1433 and NGC 7496. Full article here
  • 02-15-2023 - Webb Image shows unprecedented details of Pandora’s Cluster Abell 2744. Full article here
  • 02-06-2023 - James Webb Telescope discovers very small main belt Asteroid. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in January 2023
  • 01-31-2023 - Webb Telescope shows spiral galaxy LEDA 2046648 in unprecedented details. Full article here
  • 01-25-2023 - James Webb Space Telescope Observes Astonishing Ring System of Chariklo Asteroid. Full article here
  • 01-23-2023 - New James Webb Discovery find Complex Organic Molecules in Pre-Stellar Ice. Full article here
  • 01-11-2023 - Webb Discovers Star Formation in Dusty Ribbons of a star cluster NGC 346. Full article here
  • 01-10-2023 - Composite image of Tarantula Nebula from Chandra and Webb data released. Full article here
  • 01-09-2023 - Webb Telescope Discovers Connections Between Nearby and Faraway Galaxies. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in December 2022
  • 21-21-2022 - James Webb Telescope reveals a star studded cosmic wreath in NGC 7469. Full article here
  • 12-01-2022 - The Largest moon of Saturn known as Titan imaged by the Webb Telescope. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in November 2022
  • 11-20-2022 - James Webb Telescope captures merging galaxy pair II ZW 96. Full article here
  • 11-22-2022 - Webb reveals molecular and chemical portrait of Wasp - 39b atmosphere. Full article here
  • 11-17-2022 - Webb discovers oldest galaxies in this image of Abell 2744 galaxy cluster. Full article here
  • 11-16-2022 - Webb reveals protostar features within the dark cloud L1527. Full article here
  • 11-09-2022 - Webb image shows Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte a dwarf galaxy full of stars. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in October 2022
  • 10-28-2022 - Eerie picture from Webb uncovers dusty structure in Pillars of Creation. Full article here
  • 10-26-2022 - Webb image of MACS0647 provides unprecedented details on early universe. Full article here
  • 10-25-2022 - Webb Captures IC 1623 a pair of merging galaxies. Full article here
  • 10-20-2022 - Dense Cosmic Knot Found by Webb Telescope in the Early Universe. Full article here
  • 10-19-2022 - Stellar Nursery of The Pillars of Creation revealed by James Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 10-12-2022 - Cosmic fingerprint around Wolf Rayet 140 revealed by James Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 10-05-2022 - James Webb Telescope image highlights galaxy pair VV 191, discovers a lensed galaxy. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in September 2022
  • 09-27-2022 - James Webb Telescope shows spiral galaxy IC 5332 in unprecedented details. Full article here
  • 09-21-2022 - Neptune with its distinct rings seen through James Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 09-19-2022 - First images of red planet Mars released by James Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 09-12-2022 - Intricate Details of Orion Nebula revealed by James Webb Telescope. Full article here 
  • 09-06-2022 - Tarantula Nebula image produced by James Webb Telescope. Full article here
  • 09-01-2022 - James Webb Discovery - First Direct Image of Exoplanet - HIP 65426 b. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in August 2022
  • 08-25-2022 - James Webb Discovery - First Evidence of Carbon Dioxide on an Exoplanet. Full article here
  • 08-22-2022 - James Webb Telescope captures images of Jupiter in great detail. Full article here 
  • 08-02-2022 - James Webb Space Telescope produces detailed image of Cartwheel Galaxy. Full article here
James Webb Telescope Discoveries in July 2022
  • 07-12-2022 - First set of James Webb Telescope's images of Unseen Universe. Full article here
  • 07-11-2022 - Webb’s First Deep Field image of SMACS 0723 revealed by President Joe Biden. Full article here
  • 07-06-2022 - Fine Guidance Sensor test image acquired in parallel with NIRCam imaging of the star HD147980. Full article here
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