

Everyone excited for Starfield?


I am so hyyyped for Starfield, actually considering to stay up to 3am and then go to work afterwards lol. Don't think my boss will be quite happy if I do that though.

What about you? Also, no spoilers pls
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a year ago
Pretty stoked to play it. The reviews seems pretty positive overall, however I do question the integrity of some of the reviewers. I watched a couple YouTube reviews from some creators that I trust and they had some concerning criticism that I didn't really see addressed in most of the other reviews.

For example, apparently the procedural generation was way over promised. Entire areas and scenarios are re-used over and over again throughout the different planets. Also you can't just freely explore planets like they lead people on to believe. Apparently if you wander too far from your ship, a message pops up on your screen saying you can't walk any further and have to turn back. There's also a bunch of bugs, but that's to be expected from a Bethesda title.
a year ago
Despite all that, I keep hearing this being referred to as "Skyrim in space", and if it delivers on that, I consider this game to be a success!
a year ago
I think this game is going to absolutely thrive with mods. I feel like there will be mods that allow you to just openly explore and that fill in all those desolate planets with content and side stories. Makes me almost want to wait to play it with mods