


Influence the direction of the app. Share your feature suggestions with the team
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  • 4
    Is there a way to embed links to things like articles, similar to what Reddit has? Or do you have to put the link in as text?
    Hey, just to confirm, do you mean like having it display a thumbnail when posting a link?
  • 13
    Profile links
    When previewing a post, a user should be able to click the profile pic or tag of the poster, and bring them to the profile instead of opening the post.
    Thank you, this will be added in the next release 😃
    Also, we will be expanding the users profile page hopefully soon so that it shows their post/comment history. We also want to improve the UI a bit as it's one of the older pages in the app and needs a design refresh.
  • 7
    Light modes
    I would love to see a comfortable light mode for the website. I tend to work in brightly lit spaces and outdoors, and the usual dark modes make it very hard for my aging eyes to focus (that being said, I really like the gradation in the site's default dark mode).
    Light modes can be difficult to get right (not too bright, good enough contrast, etc etc) but I think it would really pay off for those of us that need them. As a reference, has a decent light mode, but I do find it a bit too bright personally.
    Appreciate the suggestion. We've heard this feedback from other users and is definitely something on our list. We want to contract a designer to help us create a color scheme that looks good while also passing accessibility guidelines in regards to contrast. Unfortunately the designer we used in the past is going on maternity leave so will be unavailable. I'm going to try and prioritize finding a new one soon so we can make some progress on implementing this!
  • 13
    Community management
    If possible, add an area where you can change the name of and delete your communities, as well as transferring ownership.
    Definitely all things on our list. While we don't currently have a UI to do this, in the meantime if you need to change the name of your community we can do it manually for you. If you wish to do so, please email us at from the email you used to register your account with the name you want to change to and we can update it!
  • 12
    Support for code blocks
    It would be helpful for my coding community for Sociables to support code blocks when creating a post.
    Added to our development list. Thanks for the feedback!
  • 7
    Support inline LaTeX
    This is a niche request, but I'd like to register this suggestion for later reference.
    Mathematics, physics and computer science communities will benefit enormously from the ability to write LaTeX code in their threads and comments, and have it render when the comment is posted.
    Thus, I would write something like `$ x^2 = 1 $` and when I post, the LaTeX code is rendered either inline in the comment, or in a display math environment.
    Currently, only supports this functionality, and while that place is great for narrow interaction, it is not meant to be or suitable as a forum for extended discussion. The site or sites that will implement this functionality will certainly draw the attention of professionals in these scientific fields, coming from such places as and math stack exchage.
    Adding this functionality may be challenging, and unrestricted latex code may pose a security risk, but these concerns have been overcome by places like mathoverflow, so if you are ever interested in implementing it, that is a great place to look.
    Appreciate the suggestion! I know the other dev added the ability to add code blocks using the backticks like:
    $ x^2 = 1 $
    however it doesn't currently support syntax highlighting. Just so I'm clear, is what you are asking for a way for the code blocks to highlight the syntax to work with LaTeX code?