


A place for general discussion
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    What is your worst experience travelling?
    Just curious what everyone's worst experience is travelling? Let's hear some stories.
    My worst experience was travelling in Jamaica. Just walking through the villages the people were very aggressive/touchy. We hurried back to the resort because this group of men wouldn't stop following us.
    6 months ago
  • 14
    Favorite places to travel?
    Curious what everyone's favorite place to travel is? What has been your best vacation?
    Cabo mexico!
    8 months ago
  • 14
    What are your best travel tips?
    Some of mine:
    1. Let your family back home know your travel itinerary.
    2. If you're asking for an opinion, don't ask the opinion of someone who's being paid to provide it.
    3. If a cop stops you in a foreign country, be stupid and cheerful. Never be belligerent.
    Learn basic words in the countries language that you are visiting. It goes a long way in helping you navigate and the locals appreciate people who try.
    8 months ago
    Trust your gut. If a situation feels wrong.. get yourself out
    8 months ago