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    Smokehaven - MMO zone concept
    The air in this zone is perpetually thick with smoke, creating an otherworldly and mysterious atmosphere. In the center of the zone is a forest, known as "Mistwood Forest", which acts as a natural barrier against the dense smoke and offers safety to its inhabitants. Within the forest lies a small village formed along the tree tops connected by drawbridges called "Mistwood Refuge". Outside of the forest lurks hostile creatures that hunt those unwise enough to stray outside the protection of the trees.
    Key Features:
    1. Eternal Smog: The primary characteristic of Mistwood Refuge is the thick and perpetual smoke that blankets the entire zone. The smog casts a hazy and eerie ambiance, making visibility limited and creating an atmosphere of mystery and tension.
    2. Mistwood Forest: The heart of the zone is the Mistwood Forest, a lush and vibrant woodland that has become a haven for the residents. The trees and vegetation of the forest are uniquely adapted to thrive in the smoky environment, featuring dark leaves and ethereal glows.
    3. Bioluminescent Flora and Fauna: Within Mistwood Forest, the flora and fauna have developed bioluminescence as an adaptation to the low light conditions caused by the smog. This natural illumination creates a mesmerizing glow throughout the forest, providing a sense of enchantment and beauty.
    4. Refuge Settlements: Scattered within the Mistwood Forest are small settlements where the residents of the zone have built their homes. These settlements consist of treehouses, underground dens, and well-crafted shelters.
    5. Ancient Ruins: Deep within the Mistwood Forest, the remains of ancient structures and ruins can be found, offering hints about the history of the zone and the effects of the perpetual smog.
    6. Dynamic Weather: While the smoke remains constant, the weather within Mistwood Refuge can change dramatically. Examples include foggy patches, drizzling rain, and even harsh thunderstorms.
  • 11
    Geographical MMO zone concept
    I've always been fascinated with environment/level design. I used to play around with UDK when I was younger and love coming up with different environments that I picture being part of a MMO world.
    A concept I've envisioned is an area struck long ago by an asteroid, leaving a crater so wide and deep that it's challenging to distinguish the geographical depression when standing within it. The impact occurred so many years ago that the region has since been overtaken by foliage and unique forms of wildlife. The walls surrounding the outer edges of the crater have transformed into mountains, with natural rivers that have formed flowing over the edges like waterfalls, channeling into a central lake.
    The impact had not only left behind breathtaking geography but also bestowed the region with subterranean hidden riches. The very nature of the asteroid, composed of exotic minerals and precious elements, mingled with the planet's soil and water. Over millennia, this fusion birthed a treasure trove of resources that gradually seeped into the ecosystem. The abundance of mineral deposits within the soil caused the trees and foliage to grow unusually large compared to the surounding area.
    The crater, once a scar on the planet's surface, had transformed into a beacon of otherworldly natural beauty and excellence. Due to it's vast supply of resources, inhabitants of the world have often been drawn to try and extract the wealth from the region threatening the integrity of the ecosystem.
    Wasn't sure the best board to post this in. Maybe worth creating one for "Geography"?