

Operation Silver Dragon

The 7 serpent-sorcerers were a bunch of serpents who took their advanced technological gear. They were immortal and distorted in body shape looking like dragons from self genetic engineering. They ruled as gods of the god of slavery tchmut. They were a race of in the late delpsan period. They founded an empire with a very sophisticated system of caste and chattel slavery. This empire lasted for thousands of years. They created a mythology of being like the Earth Jesus chosen by tchmut and were treated as gods and claimed to be so. In the late Delpsan period, they planned to do all this to create a new utopia using the science paramilitary scholarship of the 7 and the Tchmutist priesthood. They took those abandoned in the delpsan penal system and kidnapped subjects of the delpsan empire. They did this in secret, and mutilated them with experiments destroying their sapience like reavers in firefly. The seven serpents conducted genetic engineering completely changing their body forms in secret labs. They're plan to kill most of their subjects and turn them into literal beasts of burden. The 7 also worked on bioweapons claiming it was to crush an ancient enemy testing them on those subjects they kidnapped. The 7 created "zones of divine contemplation" where this took place. The largest project was the weapons system Holy Storm of Judgement that purifies and cleanses which triggers an artificial thunderstorm that continues to compress energy creating more clouds spreading viruses in the air. The viruses target specific species and have wide areas and kill within hours. Breeds faster than a virus naturally would due to the pressure but the Virus is attracted to specific DNA of the species that HSJPC is targeting breeding with great speed inside the host.
HSJPC was created in missiles and launched in secret missile silos. Research into artificial thunderstorms was the basis as the seven hoped to wipe out their population over wide areas. A continent away, a coalition of states vowed that delpsan slavery called servitude (which was so sophisticated that it was like the soviet union but for capitalist ends - the Delpsan empire didn't last this long by being cartoonishly evil and the seven are more secretly burgsys from TNO then cartoonishly evil) was wrong even as serfdom and had memories of tchmutist destroying the draconic empire in Valar through civil war. The Delpsan colonies came under assault. The military of Delpsa that is beyond the scope of this prompt answer despite crushing many attempts to defeat the colony the Valarians researched with urgency to match the tech, never surrendered and kept coming not even the hantathopy (see picture above) could stop the Eastron coalition advance. They then through [redacted out of scope of current prompt} took the megacity of Ahnsuhar in continental delpsa and defeated the Ahnsuhar navy. Operation Dragons fist commenced.
Operation Dragons Fist is described by Michael: "So, as mentioned above, to the SSL, if they die, Delpsa doesn't deserve to go on. But also, being near godlike in their abilities, they do have a plan. The most devout cultists of Tchamaut are installed in prominent positions, and should the time come, they'll receive special orders to initiate Operation Dragon's Fist. ODF is the real reason for the bioweapons, though officially, it's the final deterrent to any revolt against the Empire. When ODF goes into effect, the bioweapons will be launched by The Chosen, obliterating every large settlement on the continent. If the SSL can't have Delpsa, nobody can. Not Osnarpists, not Karshag, not the slaves, not anyone. Once that is done, The Chosen will gather in a predetermined site in the rainforest that hasn't been bombed, and they will resurrect the SSL in a ritual carefully planned by the Serpent of Conjuration and Serpent of Necromancy. Once that is done, the revived SSL will lead The Chosen in rebuilding Delpsa as a utopian paradise, one with all the imperfections removed, which will last for the next 10,000 years.
Obviously, this did not go according to sssaraku (translator's note: ssaraku means plan). So after the Seven Serpent Lords fall in the Battle of Arignen, The Chosen among the Delpsan government get to work, launching bioweapon after bioweapon into Arignen and rendering it a wasteland for about a century, and causing the mass genocide of the Giff as discussed above. However, when The Chosen commanders try to turn the weapons on Delpsan cities, they are overthrown by their own men, because shockingly, the average Delpsan soldier does not want to bomb their own homes. Due to the chaos, the full brunt of the bioweapons are not brought to bear anywhere outside of Arignen. It's not that Arignen was particularly despised, just that they were the first target of Operation Dragon's Fist.
Infighting between The Chosen (what you might know better as Doomers) and the military elite of Delpsa would weaken their response, and in addition, once the Aegis learned of the plot to resurrect the Lords, they were able to foil it in the nick of time, scattering the physical remains into the river. The remnants of The Chosen collapsed, either surrendering to their local warlord or fleeing into the jungle and becoming the Cult of the Fallen Ones. The remaining bioweapons were captured after the Delpsan defeat in the Battle of the Ten Kingdoms and subsequently destroyed, a great relief to everyone involved.
The triumphant military elites of Delpsa would finally halt the Eastron Advance at the Battle of Scivussar, but at the cost of their lives. By this point, the majority of the continent was in revolt, and no clear line of succession had been established, the remaining Delpsan generals and leaders retreated to the rainforest to attempt to reunify things from there, leading to the warlord period. The revelation of Operation Dragon's Fist would have likely dealt a huge blow to Delpsan morale, as it revealed that their leaders who were seen as almost gods were willing to murder basically all of them" (also in arignen the 7 destroyed the delpsan mega city and cities and weren't just willing were hellbent on it). More details about the mutiny have been discovered since then though alot of it is in the above text file, (and more information on ODF is likely beyond the scope of the prompt) it saw the Khlashigar ban tchmutism and commit defensive genocide on the tchmutists and seize most of the Missle silos though they failed to find the Seven's backup bunker who were months away from releasing dragons fist 2. It was also technically a mutiny against the delpsan provisional empire as the tchmutists tried to assert control of the delpsan state and force them to comply with ODF and following the taking out of hundreds of missile silos in places of divine contemplation described above there were tchmutist uprisings that were crushed but the mutiny by the Delpsan army took the tchmut cult by surprise and forced them on the defensive were they were slaughtered. Then there was night of the long knives type stuff where delpsan forces began cracking down on tchmutist elements and declaring martial law. There can be more details on the mutiny itself will send more stuff later also there are entire paragraphs of information related to ODS that havent been sent here(they should go in world log )though they don't deal with the mutiny itself in enough detail. There has been more information found about the ban on tchmutism and the bio nuking of the arignen sub continent.