
7 months ago
Hah, I haven't used it for years and am still standing 😂
7 months ago
Unironically the most human Zuck has looked 😂
9 months ago
This is really incredible
10 months ago
Apparently they're still paying creators but videos must be >1min and payouts will be based on engagement metrics compared to how the creator fund arbitrarily handed out payouts.
10 months ago
Who could have seen this coming 🙄
10 months ago
a year ago
It's astonishing what people build in Minecraft
a year ago
The fact that these sort of things just slide past us and we don't detect it until afterwards is terrifying
a year ago
The introduction of AI does bring some interesting challenges regarding literature and copyright
a year ago
The ingenuity of people never ceases to amaze me
a year ago
As probably guessed, this whole article was written by ChatGPT
a year ago
These needless killings need to stop..
a year ago
That looks good
a year ago
their website said the sub has life support for 96 hours. Not much time left
a year ago
Cardinals are insane for letting him walk
a year ago
Starfield looks great. I hope it lives up to the hype.
a year ago
Is anyone else over how often gambling ads are shown on TV now? Seems like every other commercial is trying to get you to gamble