
Thanks for raising that. Appologies for the inconvenience. We will have a fix out at some point today!
commented on:Search?
Thanks for bringing it up. We don't currently have search on mobile; It was definitely an oversight. We will prioritize adding that soon.

Currently our search only searches for communities by name, however we also want to also include post titles and eventually by the content as well. We will probably add the version that we currently have and look at expanding on what you can search by in a later release.

Glad to see companies pushing back regarding this sort of thing.
Hey we've been trying to reproduce this but aren't having much luck. Would you be able to provide some additional information? Does it do that on both desktop and your phone? Just to clarify, you are going to the "Sociables" community, and then clicking the "Bug-reports" board?

Hey there!

If you paste an image link into your post it will automatically be embedded, we'll be updating the toolbar in the future so that you have the option to choose upload or paste an image link. Hope that helps!

Appreciate the suggestion! I know the other dev added the ability to add code blocks using the backticks like:
$ x^2 = 1 $
however it doesn't currently support syntax highlighting. Just so I'm clear, is what you are asking for a way for the code blocks to highlight the syntax to work with LaTeX code?
commented on:Light modes
Appreciate the suggestion. We've heard this feedback from other users and is definitely something on our list. We want to contract a designer to help us create a color scheme that looks good while also passing accessibility guidelines in regards to contrast. Unfortunately the designer we used in the past is going on maternity leave so will be unavailable. I'm going to try and prioritize finding a new one soon so we can make some progress on implementing this!
commented on:White labeling
Just to follow up, we recently added the ability to upload a custom banner image for your community. That should help with personalization a bit
Definitely all things on our list. While we don't currently have a UI to do this, in the meantime if you need to change the name of your community we can do it manually for you. If you wish to do so, please email us at from the email you used to register your account with the name you want to change to and we can update it!
commented on:Profile links
Also, we will be expanding the users profile page hopefully soon so that it shows their post/comment history. We also want to improve the UI a bit as it's one of the older pages in the app and needs a design refresh.
Thanks for bringing this up.

Currently the clout score is calculated per community which is why it might appear different across your posts. You do bring up a good point and something for us to think about as we would like there to also be a global one.

We need to spend a bit of time and consider the tradeoffs regarding how to best implement it. The reason we implemented like how it is now is because we liked the idea of having a score to represent a users engagement levels within an individual community. With that said, there is also something about having a global score which is more inline with how Reddit does it.

Curious on your thoughts on what you'd like to see.

Our concern with adding both is it might be confusing having multiple scores?
commented on:Profile links
Thank you, this will be added in the next release 😃
a year ago
Hey, just wanted to update you guys. We just released an update that included adding an image upload button when creating a post. Also for reference, you can upload or share images in post comments as well by either dragging a file into the text box, or pasting an image link from a source like Imgur.

commented on:Links
Hey, just to confirm, do you mean like having it display a thumbnail when posting a link?
a year ago
Hey, sorry guys for the confusion.
The other dev and I were actually just talking about the image upload user experience yesterday and how we need to make it better.
Currently to upload an image or embed an Imgur link, you have to either drag the image into the textbox or paste the Imgur link directly into where you type. The button that pops open the window where you paste a link is for embedding YouTube links.
We will be adding a button in that same toolbar soon to provide another method for adding images where its more clear on how to do it. We also will be providing a better prompt in that popup window for embedding videos to explain what types of content it accepts.
Apologies about the confusion. We should be able to have some fixes implemented within the week!
commented on:Roadmap update
I'm going to spend some time soon and put together a community guidelines document. I would have liked to have had this in place sooner, but the Reddit news caught us a bit by surprise and forced our hand into launching a bit quicker than expected. Stay tuned.
Hi all.

Looks like our post editor currently allows you to submit unsupported media embed links, which ends up showing up blank.

We've noted the link you tried to embed and will look into offering support for these types of links.
commented on:White labeling
Hey, would you be able to expand on what you are looking for in regards to custom branding?
Hey Pookie. Thanks for your interest in the app.

Currently we only support doing payouts to the community owner, so all the revenue made via memberships and post bumps would go to them and they would then have to distribute it. As far as donations go, as a community owner you can link any PayPal address and whenever someone makes a donation it would go directly to that account. In terms of donations, the money never hits our system.

We've been having talks internally about building out a system as you described where multiple people per community could go through our KYC (know-your-customer) process and be eligible for receiving a cut of the revenue which would be handled programmatically. In such a system, we'd likely make it customizable so that the community owner could decide what percentages of the revenue to assign to each participant.

We'd love to get some feedback on what an ideal system would look like before building anything. If it's something that there's demand for, we could certainly look at prioritizing it.
Hey, thanks for reporting that. We will put out a fix shortly